Saturday, August 11, 2012

S.J.K (C) Sungai Way

It's strange how all of my memory of sungai way can be completely varnish me.
That school gave me nothing but anger and grieve. Transferring to another school was the happiest day of my life. It's pure evil and hell there. When I was bullied, not a single soul would help me. How pathetic and cruel are you people. I cried everyday.The teacher sucks too. I'm sorry but there is just too much hatred.I never expect to see them again. I despises them. You may think I'm that retarded girl who is very quiet and got bullied by a bastard everyday after school while waiting for the bus, I'm sorry but seems like you only reflect yourself when you're talking bad about others.

The truth is, I never wanted to see any of you. Nor would I see the school and having a hard time to refresh my memory because it's just too painful for me to do so.

so fuck off.

ps// Improving your school facility doesn't make you any better. You're just pretending.