Friday, April 29, 2011

Lord,I'm doing all I can do be your everything

Food review;

(I like to blog/promote food IDK why)

Ignore the horrible angle of the picture below. I was trying to act natural. (some place cannot take photo mah)

Sekinchan Ikan Bakar,Taipan. *New*

We (my whole family) were drawn by such a huge crowd for a such a new place like this and wondering how can ikan bakar aka burned fish have such an enormous crowd.

This was without the sambal,ohyea the sambal was not spicy at all ..

and guess how much our burned fish turned out to be?

Sekinchan Ikan Bakar=Logenhaus/Daroe Korean BBQ


Not filling at all. But the sambal is quite nice so...errr...
u know what.
no further comment (1st time in the history of my food blogging speechless)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Just swing

Last week ....
went to this super big (really big, 4/5 shop lots combined together) *always got SALES* Golf shop in Kelana Jaya. That shops reminds me of last year epic failed Louisiana food restaurant hunting in Kelana Jaya >.< So disappointing .nevermind bout that .
There's a cap section. After ns, I wanned to get myself a cap . cause I (maybe me only la) find that I look good in it. So as we speak, I'm cap hunting..maybe I will wear it to college and act cool (whao)...Back to the topic. there was like this huge machine that is embroider that can even sew your name on the cap. How awesome it is rite.But the caps in there not that nice also. Besides, why do I need a golf cap =.= super weird.

I was so bored. sitting there. rotting. what the. sitting alone in a park bench in a golf store. so pathetic one...

SOOOOOOOO. There was this mini putt putt field infront of me.
I was like 'I suck in most of the sports . why not I just go ahead and try this thing?'

end result. I totally love it. eventough abit errr..cacat. It's okay. I gave up on swimming already anyway. why not i try a new sport hahahahahaha

Till then ,

I'm torn D:

Ohno.. I don't have the mood to blog anymore. u know what. this is the reason why I threw my journalism dream . And now. This is shit.
People are like asking me what I'm going to study . I then told them what I want lor. And 90% is giving me the negative look. what la. I can't do much. It's either accountings or business marketing. Since I hate accounting till I can scold bad word that type, I decided not to take that lor. Do I wanna be an accountant? No. But accountant can really earn $$? Are you trying to test me or something? to choose money or happiness? Perfect. Business got so low class meh? Am I not aggressive enough to be studying international marketing?Can I master a whole new language by the time I work? Am I capable to study that whole lot of shits? I don't want more , just needed much.But most importantly, will I be happy atlas? I just wanna be ....happy.

anyway, went to sjk(c) yuk chai fr bro's ceremony things. IT was so boring


Why are the sardines The silliest fish in the sea?

Because they climb into tins,close the lid and leave the key outside.

I know it's abit lame.

I have some clothes wanna sell off. Most of them are short dresses . that I reserved them for special occasions that will never happen . ironic huh...
(coming soon)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sprained neck remedy

Home Remedies for Easing Neck Pain

Take a load off. One of the simplest ways to relieve the pain is to lie down and give your neck muscles a chance to recover. But don't use a thick pillow that crimps your neck.

Ice it. Ice effectively numbs pain and decreases inflammation. Put crushed ice in a plastic bag and cover the bag with a pillowcase (a terry towel is too thick to effectively transmit the cold). Apply the icepack to your painful neck for 15 minutes at a time.

Heat it up. Heat increases circulation and can be effective for easing stiff muscles. Use a wet towel or a hot water bottle, or stand in a hot shower. But don't keep it up for too long. Too much heat can aggravate symptoms and cause more pain. You might even want to try following up your heat application with a few minutes of cold treatment.

Relax. Emotional stress can trigger muscle tension. Pay attention to what stresses you:
your drive to work, your rush to get dinner on the table each night, meetings with your boss, and
so on. After you've identified your common stressors, think creatively about ways to reduce your stress. One way to manage stress is through relaxation techniques, such as progressive relaxation or abdominal breathing.

To perform progressive relaxation, find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Sit or lie down and close your eyes. Then, starting with your head and neck and working down the entire body, consciously tighten, or tense, and then completely release the muscles in the area.

To perform abdominal breathing, sit quietly and take a slow, deep breath all the way into your abdomen; place a hand on your abdomen to feel it expand and confirm you are breathing deeply enough. Then exhale completely, gently sucking in your stomach. Breathe slowly and deeply like this for several minutes (if you do this too quickly, you may begin to hyperventilate).

Other relaxation techniques include meditation, yoga, and exercise. In addition, you may want to develop some of your own methods of relaxation, such as engaging in a hobby or listening to peaceful music. Do whatever works for you.

Use massage. Massage can help ease tense muscles and give temporary relief, and it may help you sleep better. First, take a hot bath or shower to relax the muscles. Then, have your partner use oil or lotion and rub your neck and shoulders using the fingers to apply gentle pressure in small circular motions. Next, have your partner rub your neck and shoulders using firm pressure and long, downward strokes. Don't forget the chest area. If you don't have a willing partner, try rubbing your own neck and chest area with oil or lotion for 10 or 15 minutes.

Take a nonprescription pain reliever. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as aspirin and ibuprofen can ease the pain and reduce inflammation. If you can't take these medications because of allergies, stomach upset, or any other reason, try acetaminophen; it won't calm inflammation, but it should help relieve pain. For a list of precautions to take when using over-the-counter analgesics, click here.

Practice good posture. Posture has more to do with neck pain than people realize. The head and spine balance in relation to gravity. When poor posture pulls the curve of the lower back forward, the upper back curves farther backward to compensate. In response, the neck curves forward, in a strained position.

You can use a wall to help align your body properly and improve your posture: Stand with your back to a wall, heels several inches from the wall. Your buttocks and shoulders should touch the wall, and the back of your head should be close to the wall. Keep your chin level. Now, step away from the wall. Step back and check your position. Try to carry this posture throughout the day.

Get and stay trim. Being overweight strains all of the body's muscles, including those in the neck.

Strengthen stomach muscles. Just as poor posture and obesity can cause straining of the neck muscles, poor tone in the stomach muscles forces the upper back to curve farther backward and the neck to curve forward. Do exercises such as bent-knee curls (they're basically sit-ups, but you only lift your head and upper back, rather than your whole back, off the ground) to strengthen abdominal muscles.

Do neck exercises. Two types of neck exercises can help ease and prevent neck pain: gentle range-of-motion exercises and isometric exercises. Apply moist heat to the neck before performing the exercises. Each exercise should be done five times per session, three sessions per day.

Range-of-motion exercises help stretch neck muscles. Sit erect but relaxed. Slowly turn your head to the right as far as you can, hold, and return it to the center. Repeat to the left. Then drop your chin down slowly toward your chest, hold, and relax. Bring your head back up. Now tilt your head toward your left shoulder, hold, and return to the center. Do the same on the right side.

Isometric exercises are performed against resistance but without actually moving your head. Try this routine:

  1. Sit erect and relaxed, hold your hand up to your forehead, and press your forehead into your palm, using your palm to resist the motion.

  2. Place your right hand against the right side of your head, and press your head against your hand (as if trying to bring your right ear to your right shoulder), but use your hand to resist your head's motion. Do the same on the left side.

  3. Press both hands against the back of your head as you try to push your head backward; resist your head's backward motion with your hands.

  4. Press your hand against the right side of your face as you try to turn your head to look over your right shoulder; use your hand to resist the turning motion. Repeat, pressing your left hand to the left side of your face as you attempt to look over your left shoulder.

Stay in shape. The stronger and more flexible you are overall, the less likely you'll suffer from neck pain. Swimming is one of the best all-around exercises for strengthening the neck and back.

Work at eye level. If your neck discomfort comes on toward the end of the workday, chances are good that your workstation or your work habits are causing the problem. People often get "desk neck" from looking down for long periods or from reaching up to work. If possible, always keep your work at eye level. Change the height of your chair, desk, or computer screen; use an upright stand to hold reading material; and use a stepladder, stool, or raised platform instead of reaching up.

Take frequent breaks. Change your body position often, especially if you have to be in a physically stressful position. Get up and walk around at least once an hour.

Unlearn "neck-bashing" habits. Do you crimp the phone between your neck and shoulder? Do you often fall asleep sitting up in a chair and wake with your head tilted way back or your chin to your chest? Do you shampoo your hair in the sink? All of these habits can cause neck strain. Become aware of habits that strain your neck and replace them with neck-healthy ones.

Sleep on a firm mattress. If you wake in the morning with a stiff or sore neck, your mattress, pillow, or sleeping habits are probably the culprit. Use a firm mattress and keep your head aligned with your spine. Don't sleep on your stomach, since it forces your head up. Avoid pillows that are too thick and firm; try feather or crushed-foam pillows rather than those of solid foam rubber.

As you can see, several of your everyday habits can contribute to neck pain. Take the home remedies listed in this article to keep your neck held high and healthy.

For more information about neck pain and how to combat it, try the following links:


ps// my freaking neck is killing me &^%^%&&*((*)(**(^^$#@@!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Bang wall

I don't wanna leave this world just yet.
I have too many un-finish business

I wanna bang wall
but I believe that there's always a solution to everything...

After graduating from both secondary school and national service,I still can't fly.
Here's the list of things that yet to be have done:
  • Fix my freaking hair
  • register for college
  • pay rm20 to school
  • attend ceremony
  • buy a formal attire
  • make a bank account
  • pass my undang

Till then,

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bunny face

My camp can be so mesra afterall part4 is in progress =X

Been going out lately.
Dearest Wei Ching fetched me to pyramid .hehee.
  • First time sat her car,
  • first time encounter such 'kan cheong' driving .
  • first time navigate her
  • first time took the wrong highway
note to self: gps is our best friend

So, we finally hang out! after *&%#@#%*((& years ;O

went to watch HOP, the cartoon movie.
At first I was disappointed to the fact that I wanted to watch Beastly or JustGoForIt so badly.
due to time problem , we decided to watch it. and hell yeah. It was awesomely funny and cute.

LMAO. self-explainatory
and yes, we went to Kim Gary . I pulled her there! weee xD

actually our sushi king plan canceled due to something though we still have our rm20 voucher LOL

ps/Sushi Bonanza is finally here =D apr 11-14th ,that reminds me, I have to treat my friend cos she scored A for science.ish =S

My date of the day HAHAHAHA

9 years of friendship and still counting ;)

Idon'tknowwhymyfriendslovetotakemypicwiththefood ;O

My so called brown hair. wth..
I'm gonna patch it soon

SS moment

you have no idea

dang . my face is freaking fat .

brown hair!! =D

Acting like a sor poh =P

everyone's enemy. Traffic jam

signing off

Sunday, April 3, 2011

My camp can be so mesra afterall (P4)

continuation;It's bloody disgustingly cute D:

Say hello to this little cute fella.
Qian 'best friend' till can like BEF which stands for best enemy forever *laugh*
she and It shared the same blood once. O_O wait a sec. will it get AIDS? LOL

Isn't it adorably fascinating?? xD
Note to self : That's Qian's blood we're looking at LMAO

We went jungle trekking 2 Days 1 Night in the camp site. well, the girls got the camp site (nice) .Unfortunately the guys were the unlucky ones.(pity them)
As we speak, the previous post shot of 1 member from our 'sorority'.

The ever so adorable ah choo...She's our heroine..miss her so much. sorry ah choo.Sometimes,I save the best for the last...(Brenda,ahwan don't jealous. xDDDD) I love you all equally ;)

ps/ omg I really miss the times when we used to gossip/confess/chat about our love lifes during muslim's evening prayers,at the same time... eat .........I guess that's the reason why my weight had increase to a whole new level.(serious. My jumpsuit doesn't even fit me properly already.ohmygosh!)
we don't need a guy in our life,when we have snacks and chocolatesssss. Oh no. so unhealty.I gotta stop eating them.

Her best quote will be ' NS guys are like sands only compare to the outside world,I don't wanna use the term dust ,give them a little bit pride'

Ah Choo was so hype about the jungle trekking thingy. she just can't stop talking about her scouts things even tough she knows that it will bore us to death ..hahaha jk

She's such a caring person. I think she'll be a great nurse ;) She was so worried about me. but sometimes, I'm just not that vulnerable u know'd ;)

Clockwise from above,Ranjini,masterchief Ku,look-like-half-dead-me and Fatin(her second home is pyramid too <3)

HAHHHHHH! This time no leeches. I was so blessed xD

The chicken curry they provide was super yummy lor!

ps// gosh. I don't even know how I can still smile in that moment of time.
ps////We manage to saying survive. As you can see, by force we were force to set our camp in such slanted area.CAUSE SOMEONE STOLE OUR PLACE! there I said it.And the fact that our camp was under the durian tree and it was durian season and there were some durians just dropped from the tree above us (thank god didn't hit us.we slept in fear)

we kept on having this joke on 'wo men de ren shen wan liao'

Exhibit A

So called Malam Kebudayaan
Exhibit B

Valentine's Day

From what we were been told.
Brenda and Qian looks arabic
Me and Choo looks chinese-malay
Ahwen sesated to a small kid....

It was quite fun though! Nobody notices us at first .

Our alpha so called mascot . Chandruuu
Another epic adventure.




ps/ screwwww undang! =P

Saturday, April 2, 2011

I never wanted to be anybody's other half

oh darn . someone please bring me go Kim Gary again!! :(
I wannnyyyyyy

people nowadays would normally ask me 'how's life'
and the reply that I would always give is 'lifeless'
okay. *flashbacks*


just maybe having a fake date would be more exciting than sitting at home all day


Or not o.O?

Let the pictures do the talking


till then,

Friday, April 1, 2011

My camp can be so mesra afterall (P3)

Hola! (Ohmygosh . my blogging style haven't change a bit)

World invasion by aliens anyone?
Since I've watched Big Momma already.So we (me and mun yee) doesn't have much choice but to choose this movie..okayyyyy.
The movie was sooooooooooo.....tragic....?? that I literally got a headache after watching it. (I took panadol summore ;O)
And it was the same day when we took our spm results LOL.
wondering why I'm writing this under KTM part3?
WELL, this movie, apparently..reminds me of you guys .
In what sense ha... The soldiers are carrying such of a BAG (hahaha,such a heavy load)
and there was like kept on '12 o'clock''1 o'clock''6 o'clock' (omg,so much memories,I really miss it dearly)

Introducing Breeeennnnddaaaaa. (it just never gets old)/ Dorm1's 'heros' named a kitten after her
She's the shy-est person I ever met (according to her,she's shy)
OK LA..This is so wrong.
She's the most outgoing person I ever met ,i'm serious.
we can like talk talkkkkk talk talk talk gossip gossip chat chit chat chit for the whole day =P
We know each other since the first day , I still remember she indirectly ffk-ed me cause she was like ' I'm very scared tonight cant sleep ,aiyoo how' AT the end hor, She slept alreadyyy!! And I was like whole body sweating like hell..really insomnia .

Funny funny qian. She had set a good example for the proverb 'don't judge the book by it's cover'..When I first lay my eyes on her, I thought she was like those perfect rich girls(comn'on look at her face complexion,so nice ,But she proves us wrong,she's just like one of us,trying to find happiness
(like so sad case one @@) [ But what to do, we tiao ker one unlike others so cheap rite HAHAHA]
Guy D always like to sit in her 12 o'clock while we were in the canteen. which really irritates her till she has no appetite to eat .
hahaha...I really miss her jokes(pajak sini~ pajak sana~) and talks (I slept in one of her talks ,literally)

special dedication: It's her 18th birthday,so Happy Birthday!Qian

One time, I found a freaking rock...I repeat ROCK in the anchovies So since then,I have a phobia on their nasi lemak. But after trying all of their breakfast. Nasi Lemak is still the best *delete memory of rock*
We used to smuggle hard-boiled eggs to our dorm .Hehehe. Good old days.
We should wear a t-shirt saying ' I love eggs' wait . that would be abit wrong. O_O

''there was like kept on '12 o'clock''1 o'clock''6 o'clock' (omg,so much memories,I really miss it dearly)'' Qouted

You must be wondering whats the meaning of this sentence right.Okay.well,we never really use it on aliens, instead on aliens. we used it to navigate our mr mr's ;O *cough**cough*
Oh,and we even come out with a bunch of nicknames to represent someone LMAO.
It's like a sisterhood secret code. COOL HUH. xD

Christian Class =D
At First, I was very worried that I won't have any friend in there but thank god got Ahwan,Sarah and Carolina .They rock...
Teacher will bring us to the church in Taiping every Sunday and it's fun with all the inside jokes with ahwan ;)

Touch it!!Touch it!! HAHAHAHA...

we are always fooling around.
Amazing fact : She wrote down that she's buddhist but she has a bibble and a cross necklace?
Oh jesussssss... @@
well , it's because she's partially this and that due to her parents .
Christian can be very fun with her around.
Everytime , we need to force each other to attend the spiritual class .
like for instance, when I don't have the mood, she'll be like pushing me to go . Vice versa.

we seriously have alot of favourite quotes.
  • HELLO! (in a heavy tone) (brenda)
  • I'll slap you (ahwan's)
  • jessssuusssss(ahwan's)
  • touch it!!touch it!!!(ah wan's and me)
  • we're flying like a G6 ,like a G6 (HAHAHA)
  • FREN...(public)
  • wan kat!
  • ni jiang jiang la (brenda's)
  • Best jelly ever eaten (hot)
  • yaaahhh!!! Itu diaaa..
  • Ni kan la. Ni kan! xD (Brenda's)
  • Oh punggung....berkualitiiiii
  • yo wo shi superman.yo! ni shi ********************* loser(obviously ah choo's theme song)
ps// most of it is brenda's. ya .

hmm.I can't really think right now. signing off.